In His hands

(Disclaimer: it's currently 3.30AM, I've just written this in one sitting because I needed to let it out, and it's not edited whatsoever. I apologize for whatever mistakes or weird pacing you will encounter, but I also don't really care.) I imagine a lot of us have the issue of getting caught up in matters … Sigue leyendo In His hands

How discovering I belong with God changed my life

I've talked about my deep faith-crisis before. How I spent a year and a half trying to convince myself I was an atheist, and how it ended up being the worst time of my life, before I found my way back to Him. I want to talk about one of the most significant points of … Sigue leyendo How discovering I belong with God changed my life

How I heard Jesus’ call for the first time

For a while now I've felt called to write about my first experience with Jesus. I love reading other's testimonies - I love reading about how people felt Jesus, how they were changed, how they were called too. We are often told not to rely on emotion in our journey with God, and I strongly agree, but that first emotional encounter with His love is something I'll never forget. That being said, here's my tale of how I felt His presence for the first time in my life.